One Night with Venus, Part 2

We’re now on Part 2 of our Valentine’s Day debut with our co-hosts, Eric Slyter and Curtis Bender, continuing their discussion on period accounts in western culture of the historical description of symptoms and gruesome historical treatments of gonorrhea and syphilis (and modern media representations of them)! This episode primarily covers accounts from the Renaissance to more modern history including receiving purple flowers, masks and prosthetic noses, animal gut condoms, and historical poultices for testicular swelling. And if that’s not gross enough for you, we’re also covering urethral lavage, gonorrheal aprons, pustules, rotting brains and mobsters! […]

One Night with Venus, Part 1

Happy VD! It’s Valentine’s Day, so you may think we’re debuting our Horrific History Podcast on the horrible gifts people have given for the occasion (and, you may be right, from a certain point of view). No, we won’t be talking about candy and wine; we’re focusing on venereal diseases! Our co-hosts, Eric Slyter and Curtis Bender, will specifically be discussing period accounts in western culture of the symptoms and gruesome historical treatments of gonorrhea and syphilis, in stomach-churning detail. Rashes, prostitution, burning sensations and blindness… you’ll find it all here. […]

10 Feb / 2017

No Squeam Allowed!

No Squeam Allowed!

Hello and welcome to those who appreciate history and the gory, disgusting and downright revolting details which made our history teachers turn green! This podcast is not for the faint of heart (or weak of stomach). We are dedicated to sharing the facts of history in all their grisly detail. While not glorifying the true misfortunes of history, we intend to put facts under the microscope with a dose of levity; our goal is to answer those questions you may have been afraid to ask, or your teacher was afraid to answer. Only by examining the sometimes awful reality of history can we learn from it. Why not have a laugh (and dry heaves) while doing so?


photo credit: Gamma Man The Black Salve Experiment. Tumors two and three. via photopin (license)