14 Feb / 2018

Dark Side of Love

Welcome back Squeamers!

Does the light side of love have you down? Take a walk on the dark side, both literally and metaphorically, when chocolate and cynicism mix. For your vicious valentine, twisted twosome or solitary celebrant we submit this timely article for your enjoyment. Eat your heart out.

Our first episode of Horrific History Podcast’s Season 2 will release soon, but in the meantime we invite you to enjoy our Valentine’s Day debut from last year: One Night with Venus Part 1 and Part 2! Just remember, no squeam allowed!

Slideshow Photo Credit: Danielle Konya’s bakery, A box of Valentine’s day chocolates from Danielle Konya’s bakery.

One Night with Venus, Part 1

Happy VD! It’s Valentine’s Day, so you may think we’re debuting our Horrific History Podcast on the horrible gifts people have given for the occasion (and, you may be right, from a certain point of view). No, we won’t be talking about candy and wine; we’re focusing on venereal diseases! Our co-hosts, Eric Slyter and Curtis Bender, will specifically be discussing period accounts in western culture of the symptoms and gruesome historical treatments of gonorrhea and syphilis, in stomach-churning detail. Rashes, prostitution, burning sensations and blindness… you’ll find it all here. […]